Archive for May, 2008
Petter S. Freed leaves The Hate
“As of today, May 29th, I’m no longer a member of TPH. I’ve had lots of pleasant musical moments this far in my life. Many of them has been being locked up in a 200 square ft flat with K. The magic that went down between 2002-2008 in that flat is something I will always look back at with a smile. I also smile when I think of other things we did, that had nothing to do with music. But I’ll leave those things out for now I think. It’s been a pleasure playing with those guys (and girl) since they truly are gifted in a special way all of them. K is so good at writing/producing this kind of music it’s almost ridiculous, writing with him has been a walk in the park cause we just connect.
J is one insane vocalist. When we recorded the last album he had moments where he sounded so good both me and K was about to leave the room. Crying. And most of the time he just said “well, it’s ok I guess…”. It’s not just ok J, it’s top notch. World class.
And Jonna, the beautiful little bastard. I must confess though, when K took her into the band I never though she could do anything near what Mia did before her. Fuck me sideways I was wrong. And she’s growing every time she enters a studio it seems. “New” guys Mike and Mojjo joined in and as always I was skeptical. Fucked sideways again. I don’t even have to mention how extremely talented those fuckers are. Marko (webmaster) doesn’t play any instrument, but he’s in the fuckin’ band and he rules. Supreme.
And the last member of the band, the most important: The fans. If there were a professional fans league, the TPH fans would win every fuckin’ year. The ones that has been there from the start (you know who you are) and the ones that has been comin’ along during the time: You are the shit that makes this band tick. In a very serious way. You all rule (now send me a Zippo).
So, why quit? It’s simple, I just don’t feel like doing it anymore. I’ve lost the TPH vibe somewhere. I don’t know why, and I don’t know where. But it’s fuckin’ gone. From the inside, I can say that the future for TPH is brighter then ever, the new stuff sounds demonic and K is pumped as usual to bring domination.
This is gettin’ extremely dramatic, so I’ll just say thanks to everyone involved and from now on I’ll follow this band as a fan, not guitarist.
Cheers / Mazza”
After 6 years and 3 studio albums together Petter, aka Mazza, has asked to be relieved of his duty in The Project Hate MCMXCIX. We wish we could start up some drama here and make it all look like the world’s most fucked up rock’n’roll circus, but we can’t, haha… Thing is, we part the best of friends. We are on exactly the same terms as in the past, the only thing that has changed is that Mazza is no longer a part of the band. Mazza hasn’t been much involved at all (we still credit him for 2 or 3 riffs though, haha) with the writing process for the next studio album, simply becoz he hasn’t been motivated. So, seriously, we weren’t very surprised that Mazza felt he could as well step down from his position as guitarist in TPH. We wanna thank him whole heartedly for the fantastic work he’s done with us over the years, we might very well not have sounded as awesome as we do today hadn’t Mazza been involved in building up the Christ-hating machine you know as TPH over the last 3 albums he was a part of.
Tack som fan, Mazza. We love you. Well, Jörgen doesn’t, but me and Jo do, the rest of the guys don’t know you too well, haha…
This leads us to the following… It’s obvious that we need someone to replace Mazza, and who better than the one guy who’s been writing the coming TPH album together with me? Yes, that’s right, welcome Anders Bertilsson (Ruin, Coldworker) to The Hate. The choice was obvious. Anders and myself accidentally found out about a year ago that we work very well together, one thing led to another and all of a sudden we were writing material for The Project Hate MCMXCIX. And since Mazza didn’t show much interest in being a part of it, we naturally continued writing together. And continued. And continued. Until one day we realized that we had actually completed 7 songs. 7 tunes that sound better than anything we have ever done in the past, and fuck knows we have done some fantastic shit. So, it was a no-brainer to ask Anders to join The Hate as he pretty much already was in the family.
This is what Anders has got to say:
“After drinking/riding our horses of steel/drinking a bit more, and working on the upcoming TPH album together with my brother (bonded by beer) Lord K Philipson, it’s an honor to be asked to join The Project Hate MCMXCIX. Being a long time fan of the music, and sharing many of the same musical views as K, it’s amazing to be an official part of the band. A band consisting of insanely skilled people all around. Hate arise, Jesus dies…”
That’s where we are today. We are still finishing up the lyrics for the next album (halfway there) and will soon start to plan the recording, which is a major job to do. But we love it.
So, to finish this off: Thanx for everything, Mazza. Vi syns på krogen, din jävla dåre. Welcome to The Hate, Anders. We are very, very happy with you being a part of The Project Hate MCMXCIX.
A new era of Domination has begun.
Late May update
Yeah, it’s been a while again. That doesn’t mean we are slacking. Very much the opposite in fact. The guitars for the 6th installment of Hate are more or less completed. What we are doing now is just finetuning and adding stuff all the time, since we have nothing better to do while writing and finishing up the lyrics. We are about halfway into that process as well, so as you can see – shit is moving on very nicely.
We have no idea as for now when to record the drums and whatnot, and as we have stated so many times before: we are in no rush whatsoever. There’s a lot of pieces in this puzzle and we deal with them one by one, just to make sure we are reaching perfection. And, well, we are. How suprising. Not.
So, just so you know – we are doing great and will now continue to work on our 6th studio album. More news will come when we have something more to tell you. But now you know what we are up to; creating the best damn album in our career. Again.