
Archive for February, 2011

To you who pre-ordered “BTNA”.

I am very happy that you have resisted the urge to download the new masterpiece. It will be worth it when you experience the album in the actual CD format. Season Of Mist have sent the albums so I am waiting for them to arrive any day now. As soon as they are here they will be packed and shipped to you. If nothing fucks up with the postal service, you will have it by next week or the week after, latest.

Thanx for your support.

// Lord K Philipson, February 17th, 2011 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


“Bleeding The New Apocalypse” is released today!

It’s finally here, people. The new masterpiece is released thru the great Season Of Mist today, the 14th of February, 2011. We know you have waited for quite some time and now the wait is over. All of you who pre-ordered from me directly – the albums will be sent out as soon as I have gotten them from SOM. They are very aware of the importance of sending them to me as soon as humanly possible, so it shouldn’t take too long before they are on their way to you. Refrain from downloading an illegal copy and experience “Bleeding” as it’s supposed to be experienced – on the goddamn CD. It will be worth it. There are but a few copies left from me directly, so order one if you haven’t already.

Also, all the shirts are being sent out to you incredible Haters today, which means you should have your merchandise in a week or so if you live outside of Europe. Lemme know if your package don’t show up so we can work things out – you can never trust the postal services.

“Bleeding the new apocalypse” is, without a doubt, the most incredible album we have ever recorded, and that says quite a bit. We are insanely proud of our work and have waited for this day when you can finally hear it in its entirety. Make sure you pay close attention to what you are presented to. It will be rewarding. The apocalypse is now upon you. And you will succumb to it. Let us hear your thoughts on this masterpiece of an album over at our forums when you have recovered from being reduced to ashes.

// Lord K Philipson, February 14th, 2011 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Shirts packed to be sent Monday the 14th of February!

Thanx for the support. Now I just wait for the albums to arrive so they can be sent out as well.

// Lord K Philipson, February 12th, 2011 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


5 days until the apocalypse!

It is now upon us. In 5 days the brand new masterpiece is released and we look forward to hear your opinions on it. Season Of Mist will send me the albums on the 14th and as soon as they arrive here they will be sent out to all of you who pre-ordered. Resist the urge to download this one (thanx to some asshole “journalist” who decided to leak it) and wait until your copy arrives, so you can experience “Bleeding” as it’s supposed to be experienced. We have been getting excellent reviews of the album so far, just as expected.

I was also informed that the shirts should be sent to me this week, meaning they go out to all of you who ordered next week.

Thanx so much for your support, Haters. It means the world to us.

// Lord K Philipson, February 9th, 2011 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Within 2 weeks the shirts should be sent out.

Scroll down for info.

// Lord K Philipson, February 1st, 2011 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »