Archive for March, 2011
To our Swedish supporters.
De fåtal exemplar vi har kvar av senaste skivan säljs nu för ynka 150 spänn inklusive porto så vi kan bli av med dom. Klicka denna länken för att se antal skivor som finns och stöd sen Hatet genom ett inköp. Beställ enligt anvisningarna. 150 spänn för världens bästa skiva är inte fy skam. Varsågoda.
Things are going great!
It seems like, just as we expected, people are embracing our new masterpiece. We have collected all the reviews we have found so far in this thread, but we would appreciate if you share any reviews you find for “BTNA” so we can collect them for future references. It’s always nice to see that, once again, we have made the right decisions when it comes to the band. “BTNA” couldn’t have been created without the changes we made last year. We are very, very proud of this album and it seems like people is catching up on it – finally understanding what we do. If you haven’t purchased your personal copy of the disc just yet, you can order it from us directly. There are a few copies left, so make sure to get yours and support The Hate. We thank you so much, all of you who already got yours. In these times of illegal downloading it’s really crucial that we can ship some physical copies and make sure we secure another record down the line.
Sign up on the forums and stay in touch with all of us in TPH on a (pretty much) daily basis. We truly cherish the interaction with you guys.
A few copies of “BTNA” available directly from me!
The post located here shows how many albums I have left for sale of our brand new masterpiece. Make sure to get your own copy and support The Hate directly by buying it from me. Thanx for the support, Haters.