Archive for May, 2013
Body work for song 2 is done.
As mentioned in the post below I had some minor arrangements to work with before moving on with the orchestrations and whatnot when the time comes. That part is now done and the next step will commence whenever it happens. There’s no forcing this beast, that’s for sure. Tons of work with the electronics before song 2 is considered “finished”, but to have this first huge chunk of work out of the way is great. I really had to push myself to the limits with some guitar and bass parts, and this is how one evolves as a musician, you know. The vibe I get from the material so far is satisfying and beyond.
In a year or two you’ll see what this is all leading up to, and in the meantime we’ll hand out updates on the process as always.
On a sidenote, check out what Torture Division is up to currently… You will love it.
Marching onwards…
The main body work with song number 2 is more or less done, now I need to do some additional arrangements to get the flow I am after coz I am not there just yet. And after that I’ll head into the string department and whatnot to add those important elements. Still a long, long way to go before this one is completed music wise, but as mentioned before – the writing is going very fucken fine and it’s a joy to see what is coming out of me this time around.
“TCRA” really brought out another level of what we’re capable of. Now I am building from that.
Sermon 2 is being constructed.
Over the last month or so I have been working with song number 2 and I am close to halfway there with this one. Tons and tons of work left, to say the least, but the writing is going excellent and it sounds mighty fine.