Archive for February, 2018
Cover art for “Death Ritual Covenant” and new merch available for pre-ordering!
I know you have waited to see what will grace our 12th album art wise. The amazing Seiya Ogino of Ogino Design has fired up this incredible piece that you can see now. I can’t thank the guy enough for his insane professionalism and dedication towards the TPH vision. His creation perfectly displays everything I want said graphics wise with “DRC”. To put it mildly, if you’re in need of some help with websites, merchandise, album covers or whatnot – contact Seiya right away! Even though the cover is now designed by someone else than our longtime artist Marko Saarelainen, this doesn’t mean Marko’s not involved with this, not at all. Marko will take care of the rest of the packaging that comes with the album. It will be absolutely glorious, trust me on this.
And in celebration of revealing the cover, we also have shirts up for pre-ordering! This design is obviously a variation of the album cover and if I may say so – this is our best looking shirt yet! Once again Seiya’s done some killer work. Just check it out and then read on for all the pre-ordering information you might need.
The shirts then… there will be 4 different versions, as can be seen above (duh) and I’ll take pre-orders for these during the whole of February, meaning they will be printed and delivered during the first half of March if nothing fucks up in the process. I have told you this before, but the reason I do this pre-order thing is – I obviously don’t make much money off of TPH, which prevents me to print a huge batch of shirts in various sizes just to have them laying around unsold at the end of the day. By pre-ordering you make it possible for me to see how many shirts I can order from the manufacturing company without worrying about bankruptcy. Sure, this always makes for some delay in the deliveries between payment and actual shipping, but I simply can’t work it any other way. I’m sure you understand and are ok with this DIY crap I have to deal with. The downside of being a small-time band, I guess, haha…