
Archive for December, 2023

All rise again!



A few things to sum up 2023;

– Thanx to a bunch of you it was possible to raise the funds and record our 15th album with TPH, “Abominations of the Ageless”, yet another musical piece that I am immensely proud of. The fact that another TPH Donation Experiment was doable is mind blowing, and my amount of gratitude towards you people is endless. As I have said countless of times before; TPH simply can’t be done as I envision it without you and the fantastic musicians and graphics designers I get to work with. I salute you all.

– It was also great to be able to do a digipak for this album, even though it takes quite some time these days to sell a couple of hundred copies. At least I’m not losing money on it since enough of you pre-order, so… thanx a fuckload!

If you wan’t a digipak (some 25-30 left), you can find the ordering info over here.

– Digital downloads for quite a few of our recordings are of course available for purchase. All needed info is to be found to the right on this very page. Click and you shall be enlightened.

– I turned fucken 50 in 2023. That means I have been doing TPH for 24 years. Let that sink in. I can literally hear the choirs of the metal world singing my praises, and rightfully so.

– What else… Oh, yeah, I also (together with the mighty Jörgen Sandström) managed to shit out 2 absolutely crushing full-lengths with Absurdeity in the span of 6 months this year. “Unspeakable Butchery” came out in July, and “The not so gentle art of severing limbs” was unleashed a few days ago. You can get those over at our Bandcamp page. So, I released 3 goddamn records during 2023. What the fuck.

– What 2024 has in store?

I have a feeling I might work on music. We’ll see what happens as we go along, I guess. I am in no rush whatsoever to complete and/or release anything. It happens when it happens. I do this becoz I love it, and becoz I live for it. This can never become something that feels forced.

Obviously, I don’t make much money on my musical activities, so that’s hardly a source of motivation for me. I, as most musicians in my field, work a 9-5 job. Music is made in my free time, and this is how it’s been for as long as I can remember. I have no deadlines to work towards. I have no record labels trying to tell me what to do. I want nothing to do with any of that after dealing with it too many times in the past.

As I have told you before;

I create for myself. Becoz I need it. It is what I am. And when it comes to TPH it’s possible to bring it to another level all thanx to the people I get to work with, and by your monetary support for the recordings.

It truly is fucken insane, and I’ll never take any of it for granted.

– Last off; I’m not very active on social media. Simply becoz I have zero interest in sharing my every move. I use these outlets (especially Facebook, Instagram is a bit “looser”) when there’s something relevant to announce. I am sure you have noticed over the years.

If you wanna talk to me, feel free to use I always try to reply, it’s important to me coz, as mentioned, you people make this possible.

With that said, I wish you a great 2024.

We’ll talk eventually.

/ Your King

// Lord K Philipson, December 31st, 2023 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on All rise again!


There are still a bunch of digipaks up for grabs!

All digipak pre-orders/orders for “Abominations of the ageless” have been sent as of earlier this week, and it’s great to see the packages starting to reach their destinations. Thanx to all of you who made this happen once again. You are all fucken spectacular!

With that said, there are still a bunch (30 or so) digipaks left if you wanna purchase it. When those are gone… well, then they are gone. Real simple.

Here’s the ordering information you need.

With that said, I raise my glass to you guys and gals for the support in 2023. Enjoy your holidays and be well, everyone.

We’ll talk eventually.

// Lord K Philipson, December 21st, 2023 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on There are still a bunch of digipaks up for grabs!


And they are here!

Finally. No thanx to Postnord for the delay and non-communication about anything at all. I’m not surprised this happens.

Anyways, now the packing will start and everything will be sent out later this week. You who ordered registered mail will get your receipt as soon as I have delivered your package to the postal office. So, keep an eye on your e-mail, ok?

The digipaks themselves turned out absolutely stellar as always, thanx to Andreas Brorsson at Brotherson Media. This company is a joy to work with and they have absolutely nothing to do with the small delay. That’s all on Postnord.

But, fuck them and fuck that. Everything is here now.

There are still digipaks available, so if you wanna grab your copy (or copies), here’s the information you need.

Note: I’m pretty certain it will take longer than usual for your parcels to arrive if you’re living outside of Sweden, considering this time of year with x-mas and whatnot coming up… So, please do NOT email me about your “missing” parcel unless we’re a few months into 2024. I can’t do jack shit about how the postal system works in your country, ok? But feel free to lemme know here, or thru when your ordered stuff is at your doorstep.

And as I always say; if you’re sceptic about your postal service you should ALWAYS pay for registered mail.

Also, there’s no need for you to mail me and ask why this album is not on Spotify as of now. It costs me more to put it there than what I ever get back since TPH is hardly a band with a ton of streams, so… I might put it there eventually. I might not. You’ll notice down the line.

With that said; the hugest thanx to all of you who have ordered a digipak. The circle is complete for “Abominations of the Ageless”.

Now, let me get to work and get all of your packages out.

Stay safe, everyone.

// Lord K Philipson, December 12th, 2023 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on And they are here!