Ruby’s on fucken fire!
The kid’s nailed the first of her tunes, and damn – she’s outdoing herself. Absolutely beautiful work on her part and it makes me proud to be able to work with people like her. Astonishing. She’s also making some videos for you guys that will surface eventually, but first she will concentrate on putting down some majestic work for this album. I wanna take the opportunity to thank T for recording Ruby as well. Great fucken guy – thank you so much. To hear this album coming together according to my plans is just mindblowing. I have lived with this material for quite a while, working on it on a daily basis, pretty much… To finally get the vocals into it just further enhances my vision. It’s one thing to imagine how it will sound, it’s a different beast when you actually have them there… Just beautiful.
It also looks like J is about to enter the studio shortly, so things are definitely moving forward. Now I’m off to work on a few other things for the album…