Update December 11th, 2017: If you wanna follow the progress of how the 4th TPH Donation Experiment is going, tune in to our Facebook or Instagram since updates will be there continuously. Also, you wanna know what the planned 12th album will be entitled? Song titles? Go to those mentioned platforms. Now continue to the original post below.
Phew, the wait is over and here we go again… Time to walk down the quite frustrating path on this journey of seeing if this is possible a fourth time. Really, it’s something that’s been worth waiting for, right? Finally we can all just sit back calmly and see how the hell this is going to turn out. What a luxury.
Before I give you the details I’ll share a few words with ya. Probably more words than needed, but hey… fuck it. Some of you have heard it all before, and some of you haven’t, but to me it’s still some very important stuff. So, bare with me or just skip the next bunch of paragraphs (scroll down to the RED part of the text for the details) and get on with it.
The only reason there’s actually new TPH music coming out nowadays (I say “nowadays” as in “dating back to 2012 and our last 3 albums”) is becoz you people make it happen through your donations which fully finance the recordings. You make it possible for me to actually hire the services of my core crew Jörgen Sandström (male world champion of vocals), Ellinor Asp (female world champion of vocals), Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth, world champion of drums), Lasse Johansson (Candlemass, world champion of guitar solos), Marko Saarelainen (world champion of artwork etc) and Dan Swanö (world champion of mixing and mastering). Bottom line, I couldn’t fucken do this if it weren’t for your monetary support and their willingness to contribute.
As said, 3 albums have been done this way up to this point, and it truly is remarkable. It’s three times more than I thought possible. Again, thank you.
Now we’ll see if a 4th album will be a reality.
I am always extremely skeptic when it comes to this, to be honest. It’s a pretty big chunk of cash that needs to be raised and I offer absolutely nothing but the music itself in return, presented in the best way I can possibly present it.
If we do not reach the monetary goal of 10000$ (that’s US dollars), I’ll give whatever money has come in to my local cat shelter – just as I said I would do last time. Or I’ll just wait until we actually reach the goal, even if that means the next album comes out in 2027? One of the two, for sure.
Quick math says that if something like 500 people donate nothing but the fixed sum of 150 SEK we’re home free. I don’t see that happening which makes it even more amazing that “just” 211 people made the last Experiment a success. You people always do way more than expected, obviously. And it’s mind boggling every fucken time.
Enough buttering. Let’s get down to blasphemy!
My wish is to have this recording completed as soon as possible in 2018. I can’t say when exactly, coz it’s out of my hands. My own work is done (except for the endless detail work I always do until the album is actually finished); the songs are completed, my guitars and bass have been recorded… Now I depend on the other people involved to do their magic as soon as they have the time for it. And you know perfection can’t be rushed as well as they have their own schedules to work with. But the truth is, the faster we move towards the 10000$ target, the sooner everyone can be compensated and get started tracking their magnificence when their schedules allow for them to do so.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the details:
1. You donate, via PayPal, the fixed sum of 150 SEK (or whatever sum above you think is reasonable, but 150 SEK (that is short for “150 Swedish Krona”, gets you the album when it’s completed, plain and simple) to theprojecthate@gmail.com. Make the note say “DONATION”. Also, make sure you cover PayPal’s fee on top of it, please.
2. If you wanna pay in any other currency, use a reliable online converter and make sure it’s 150 SEK in the end that you’re donating. Again, don’t forget to cover PayPal’s fee.
3. By donating you’ll be getting 3 digital versions (of course a digital booklet etc is included too) to experience, and these are the formats;
– Full Dynamic Mix as FLAC
– Full Dynamic Mix (instrumental version) as MP3
As always, this album will be mixed and mastered by the great Dan Swanö at Unisound and it will hold some astonishing 75-80 minutes of audio bliss. That means, for 150 SEK you get almost 4 hours of TPH Domination. What a bargain, no?
4. I always confirm your donation. Make sure you put in the email address you want the album link to be sent to as you donate. If you haven’t heard from me in 24 hours – contact me immediately coz then something fucked up.
5. I will keep you updated on the progress of donations with every 1000$ level we reach, and I will also keep you informed when there’s anything of value to report progress wise.
So… the only question remaining is: will this work again?
Thank you for your time and support, Haters!