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Pre-order “BTNA”!
We would really appreciate if you helped us to get rid of the 100 copies we have ordered from Season Of Mist. We should have them late January or early February, but you can put down your order right now and have it overwith already. Spread the word to your friends as well and force them to support The Hate. You really wanna experience this one as it’s supposed to be experienced – in the shape of a physical CD so you can check out the amazing booklet among other things. We have said it before when The TPH Donation Experiment almost had to happen – if we don’t sell any albums, chances are labels won’t give a flying fuck about bands like us in the future.
Click this link for all the pre-ordering information you need.
“Bleeding” tracklist revealed!
1. Iesus Nazarenus, Servus Mei
2. They Shall All Be Witnesses
3. A Revelation Of Desecrated Heavens
4. Summoning Majestic War
5. The Serpent Crowning Ritual
6. Bring Forth Purgatory
Album artwork revealed!
Behold the majestic work that Marko Saarelainen‘s done for “Bleeding the new apocalypse”. Click to zoom.
From Season Of Mist’s announcement:
“So, you have digested the title for a while”, mainman Lord K. Philipson comments. “Now it’s time for the cover. Artist Marko Saarelainen (who you all should hire to do your artwork or websites by the way) has once again dug deep into his disturbed mind and fired up an incredibly fitting work of art to go with the title. Just look at it, check out all the small details and have the title in mind… Taste it… Bleeding the new apocalypse… That’s what you are in for this time. The darkness of the music on this piece is perfectly reflected in Marko’s artwork. There is a slight twist to this cover, perhaps you will see it, perhaps you won’t. Just acknowledge the fact that in a bunch of weeks you will have the chance to support The Hate and Season of Mist by actually buying this masterpiece and go thru the incredibly good looking booklet that comes with it. Marko’s outdone himself in that area as well, not just with the cover.
As Dark Angel once put it… Darkness descends. You are now beginning to watch it, piece by piece.”
Release dates for “Bleeding the new apocalypse”!
In case anyone missed out on it, here they are:
Release date Europe : Mon, Feb 14 2011
Release date US : Tue, Feb 22 2011
As soon as possible (Season Of Mist are professional enough to actually have marketing plans, something we are not used to with our former labels, haha) we will hand out the brilliant cover for this coming masterpiece, as well as the first and last track you’ll be able to listen to on the Internet in a legal way. Stay tuned for all of this and don’t forget that you can pre-order the album by clicking here.