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Pre-order “Bleeding the new apocalypse”!

Click me for all the information you need about this.

// The Hate, November 15th, 2010 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Are you ready to fucken bleed?

As promised, today you’ll find out what the title is for our next album. Ready?

“Bleeding The New Apocalypse (Cum Victriciis In Manibus Armis)”.

Here’s the announcement from Season Of Mist‘s Facebook page, as quoted below.

“Infamous industrial Death Metal act THE PROJECT HATE MCMXCIX just announced the title of their upcoming seventh album, scheduled for a February 14th (22nd in the US), 2011 release: “Bleeding The New Apocalypse (Cum Victriciis In Manibus Armis)”.

“’Bleeding The New Apocalypse (Cum Victriciis In Manibus Armis)’. There you go, the title of the finest work of our career so far”, Lord K. Philipson comments. “The new album. The title itself has a deeper meaning to us for natural reasons. This is the new era of The Project Hate MCMXCIX. My dream team is finally gathered when Ruby (vocals) and Tobben (drums) joined me and Jörgen, and together we have created what is the perfect vision of how I always wanted us to sound. We are there now. This is perfection. There’s not a single thing left to chance on this album and when the time comes you will notice exactly that. For now you can just taste the sulphur, the diabolical essence and the wrath that this title promises. And when the album is unleashed you better be prepared – for the new Apocalypse. It is not pretty in any way, shape or form.”

// The Hate, November 15th, 2010 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Album title will be revealed Monday, November 15th!

Just was informed by Season Of Mist that we will announce the album title at this date. You will also get the confirmed release date at the same time. Nothing else will be revealed at this point. That comes later. Spread the word.

// The Hate, November 9th, 2010 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Ruby leaves Witchbreed.

But no, she’s not leaving TPH. Ruby‘s got this to say about everything:

“The Age of THE PROJECT HATE , The end of Witchbreed for Me!

1 – As some of you might know, i left Witchbreed due  to my health that doesn’t allow me to  jump or bang my head until the other half of 2011 , it wasn’t fair for me to delay witchbreed’s work so … They are now looking for a new singer.( THIS POINT IS CLEARED)

2 – I AM NOT LEAVING THE PROJECT HATE , I am with them as they are with Me, as you know TPH  don’t tour, so it doesn’t affect my life with them and even if they did tour, after May, i will be ready to rock the stages again ! So be prepared because  RUBY & TPH are Forever!  ( THIS POINT IS ALSO CLEARED)


Witchbreed’s official statement can be found here. We wish them all the luck since they are a great band.

So, fear not. Anything and everything concerning TPH will be announced at our site and our forums always.

// The Hate, November 7th, 2010 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Some words from Dan Swanö.

“Howdy folkz.

So here I am are once more…. It’s incredible that K can just go on and on and create these 10 min+ masterpieces year in, year out. Must be the beard. And finally… real fucken drums in TPH!!! I know..the last few albums have had human drummers on them too..these guys did a great job…to replace Lord K’s demo-programming… But to have Tobbe The Spider on drums is like having…well…a drummer and something more!! There are some fills here where I truly believe that 2 additional arms grow out of this guy on command. It was also a pleasure for me to find out that the recordings were good and that I could use the real acoustic sound from the drums to go along with his natural drumming (As far as I am concerned, there is nothing done to his playing, like moving stuff around to be inhumanly perfect)

Again K is kicking ass with the Sixstringed Tanks and also the 5 stringed Bulldozer from hell!!! Together they create an unholy warmachine of Satanic hatred!!! Jörgen is the worlds best growler, like always, and also his vocals were very well recorded (Thanx to whoever did that)

The female vocals are great too. In fact my favorite section of the album is a great epic “duet” between Ruby and Jörgen starting at 4:34 in the 2nd song. One of the best TPH moments ever.

Mike Wead. Say no more! This guy is criminally underrated.  Yngwie. Who?? Mike Wead- is fucking who!!!!

I also like the section with (name withheld). He’s gotta really soulful voice, and layer stuff really professionally.

I am listening to the album in the background as I write this, just to check for any error that might have passed by the “hawk-ears” or mr. K (Frekvenspiss, anyone!!??) so far, so good…and yes…it sounds really good. It’s great to pull out all stops and not having to follow a reference record, and instead try to create a new reference record for others.

Now, It’s up to Season of Mist to prove that they are a better label than all the previous ones that messed up the fine arts of TPH after the release. This album deserves to be heard by everyone!! And if you like my work on it, and believe your band/project would rule even more with this kind of sonics. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

High quality for a low price!! The way it should be in life.

Let there be hate.

/ Dan Swanö/Unisound/Örebro/Sweden 2010-11-06

ps. When I put the master CD together, and checked the total playing time….66 minutes and 6 seconds. I swear, that I had nothing to do with it….This shit only happens with TPH stuff!! ds.”

// The Hate, November 6th, 2010 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »