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And all solos are done!


The mighty, mighty Lasse Johansson of Candlemass fame has once again been gracious enough to travel from Stockholm to The Dungeon to put down his mastery on the next TPH album. And once again I realize there are levels to this guitar shit, goddamnit!

So, what I am waiting for now is for Dirk Verbeuren to complete his drum recording and for the Experiment to hit home so we can actually mix and master this 16th beast.

Last time we talked we had reached about $6100 of the $10000 needed. We are now at roughly $6500, so things are moving forward, little by little. Huge thanx to all of you who have gotten us this far. As mentioned, you are not many, but you have done so fucken much!
If you wanna help us reach the budget, here’s all the info you need.

Feel free to spread the word.

I don’t think I’ll have much to report until we get to $7000, but let it be known that I am working my goddamn arse off with this 16th TPH recording on a daily basis. Down the line it’s time to start giving you song titles and whatnot, but that time is not now.

Be well, Haters! Oh, and for fuck’s sake, go listen to Cattle Decapitation.

// Lord K Philipson, March 1st, 2025 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on And all solos are done!


$6000 reached!

It’s not going fast, but at least it’s going. It’s been 17 days since we got to $5000 and a total of 15 people got us from that to $6000! At this point, 129 individuals (together with a CD Baby payment of a whooping $50!) have taken us here.

As menioned before, the plan is to release this 16th full length come summer 2025, but it all depends on if the budget is met by then, obviously. And this is always so utterly stressful, to see the donations come to pretty much a complete halt. There are so few of you who are doing so goddamn much, and I raise my glass to all of you.

There’s nothing to do but wait and see when the monetary target will finally be reached. It’s just, as said, stressful to not be able to plan the mix properly when the funds are not in. We’ll just plow forward and hope for the best.

Please, spread the word about the 8th TPH Donation Experiment in the meantime. Here’s the link to all the information needed to know what’s up.

And with that said, here’s the latest on the recording process;

Jörgen Sandström completed his vocals quite some time back. To no one’s surprise he’s once again proving there are levels to this shit.

Ellinor Asp wrapped up her absolutely insane work. And the stuff she’s come up with is just… mind boggling. I have no idea where this kind of musicality comes from, but trust me when I say it’s a goddamn privilege to be able to work with her yet again.

Candlemass’ guitar phenomenon Lasse Johansson will visit me inside The Dungeon and put down his magic on March 1st. It’ll never make sense to me that I have the luxury to have his playing on my music.

Dirk Verbeuren is currently putting down his drums. Latest I heard was that I’ll have everything delivered to me within a couple of months. Having Dirk on board again is also one of those WTF-moments.

Graphics artist Seiya Ogino of Ogino Design has been given the album and song titles as well as some ideas for inspiration. I’m sure he’s working on yet another masterpiece for TPH, but I haven’t heard from him in a while so I have no idea where’s he’s at in the process as of right now.

That’s where we are at!

As soon as we have reached the needed $10000, I can start planning the mixing with Dan Swanö of Unisound.

So once again; please spread the word and a huge thank you to the 129 of you who have made us reach the $6000 level!

We’ll talk whenever we reach $7000.

// Lord K Philipson, February 12th, 2025 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on $6000 reached!


$5000 reached!

It took 22 days to go from $4000 to $5000, but now we’re finally halfway to the monetary target of $10000 needed to complete our 16th album!

If this pace continues, a mid-summer 2025 release is still doable as planned, so let’s keep our fingers crossed that it all works out.

As far as the album recording goes, here’s a quick update:

As you know, Jörgen wrapped up his work some month ago.

Dirk is currently putting down drums.

Ellinor has completed half of the songs and will be done with everything in February.

Lasse of Candlemass will come over to my home studio in February and put down his incredible solos.

My job is done, so I’m just tweaking details on a daily basis to further improve the massiveness of album 16.

The biggest thanx to the 100-something (114 to be exact) of you who have gotten us past $5000. You are spectacular, all of you. If you wanna help us raise the remaining half of the budget, you can find information as for how to do so here.

// Lord K Philipson, January 26th, 2025 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on $5000 reached!


Jörgen’s vocals are done!


And he speaks:

“- That’s a wrap, folks! Buy or die!”

This means Jörgen has completed all of his work for album 16. And to absolutely no one’s surprise, he’s once again showing why he is second to none.

We’re still $6000 short off the budget needed to complete this one, so if you wanna help us, you can find the needed info both here and there.


// Lord K Philipson, January 6th, 2025 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on Jörgen’s vocals are done!



Just now, another absolutely amazing individual decided it was time to reach $4000 by donating some $500!

Acts like this from people I don’t even really know is utterly mind boggling, and my gratitude for all of your support is endless.

92 people have now gotten us just above the $4000 level of the needed $10000 budget. Do the math on that.

I have told ya before that album 16 is planned to see the light of day in mid-2025. Seeing how poorly timed the Experiment was launched with Christmas and all, I felt it might be later since reaching the budget in time seemed unlikely.

And now we’re at $4000 in just 21 days!?

You people are spectacular.

I do know these Experiments usually take some 6 months to be successful, though, so I’m not celebrating too hard just yet, haha…

In album related news; Mr. Sandström is about to wrap up his last song. There’s not much to say about the work he’s done, let’s just state that it’s a luxury to work with the best.

His female counterpart, Ellinor Asp, is deep down the abyss of doing her fantastically deranged and beautiful stuff.

Drummer extra-ordinaire Dirk Verbeuren is obviously also hard at work putting down his blasts and beats for TPH.

Guitar phenom Lasse Johansson of Candlemass and I will have a day inside The Dungeon as soon as Lasse’s schedule allows for it, but it’s planned to happen in January/February.

As mentioned earlier; my job at this stage is pretty much finished. After countless of hours/days/weeks/months I am now concentrating on the detail work within the tunes, which is extremely important for the end result that will be album 16. This exact process this time around supercedes everything I have ever done with TPH in the past. It’s a mindfuck and then some.

Please continue to spread the word so we can get to the monetary target sooner rather than later. Here’s the information you need if you wanna do so.

We’ll talk again as soon as something important happens.

In the meantime, thank you so fucken much for your support!

// Lord K Philipson, January 4th, 2025 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comments Off on FOURTH LEVEL REACHED!