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“20 years of purgatory” anniversary shirts now available for pre-ordering!

First off; I’ll take orders until July 1st which means, if nothing fucks up, that they’ll be sent out in mid-July. So, you have 2 weeks to grab this bastard of a shirt and then it’s off to the printers.

I have told you this before, but a reminder might be good, yeah? The reason I do this pre-order thing is simple; I don’t make much money off of TPH which prevents me to print a huge batch of shirts in various sizes just to have them laying around unsold at the end of the day. By pre-ordering you make it possible for me to see how many shirts I can order from the manufacturing company without worrying about eventual bankruptcy. Sure, this always makes for some delay in the deliveries between payment and actual shipping of the shirts, but I simply can’t work it any other way. I’m sure you know what I’m saying.

Price is 220 SEK/shirt (shirt brand is Gildan Soft Style) and payment is made thru PayPal. The price includes PayPal’s fee as well as postage and packing to anywhere in the world. If you’re in Sweden and want to pay in some other way (Swish/bank transfer), you e-mail me at and we’ll work out the details. You can pay in USD or Euros if you prefer to do so, but make sure to use an online converter so the sum matches said 220 SEK or we’re all fucked. Then again, PayPal will make the conversion to SEK easily, so… try to go with that, ok?

So, throw your hard earned cash over PayPal to and make sure you write your name and address with the payment. Your note should look something like this for clarity:

Send to: *name,address, country*

Also, I ALWAYS confirm your order, so if you haven’t heard from me in 24 hours – something is fucked. Contact me immediately if so, ok?

A few more things about these shirts… the print might differ a little bit in size in real life compared to the picture(s) you see here, but we always aim to print as large as possible. Also, the actual shirt colors might not look exactly as shown in said pics. But it’ll be close if not a perfect match of course.

And naturally, this is the only print run I’ll make of these anniversary shirts, so when they are sold out they are… sold out. I will list eventual spare items when everything has been sent out, coz there are always a handful of people who want one (but ask to pay at a later date) and when it’s time to actually cough up the dough they vanish from the face of this plague ridden Earth. So, yeah… there’s always that. If you wanna be sure to have one of these shirts, just order it right away and become a better human being by doing so.

Enormous thanx to the ever-so-awesome Seiya at Ogino Design for the killer design, and a huge “cheers!” in advance to you people who will order this mighty fine piece of clothing.

Last off, don’t forget the 5th TPH Donation Experiment if you wanna help us create our 13th album as we celebrate 20 years.

// Lord K Philipson, June 17th, 2019 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


TPH Donation Experiment 5 update and more!


Yet another wall of text incoming! Bare with me as I rather keep these posts here at our official site and our Facebook page lengthy and the less informative, but still awesome, posts for Instagram. You know the drill by now.

So, here we go!

Nope, we haven’t reached the halfway mark of the $10000 goal needed to complete our 13th goddamned album just yet, but we’re getting closer to it as we are at exactly $4538,47! And 121 Haters are responsible for this. Thank you so much!

As said earlier, the past 4 Experiments have taken some 4-6 months to complete so I guess we’re pretty much in line with that, even though it feels like this time around it’s going slower than ever. We can’t let that stop the creativity though, now can we? Should we?


I have decided to start paying the people involved with the money we have so far so we won’t delay the process more than necessary. This means that Mr. Sandström has now begun to record his championship grunts for our planned 13th album! Trust me when I say it’s a breath of fresh air to hear J‘s thunderous roars on the material instead of my mock up shrieks that I’ve heard for some 6 months or so now. As always, he is outdoing himself. The first song is done vocal wise and it sounds absolutely vicious!


I’m so satisfied with what is being created and to say it’ll be just as dominating as “Death Ritual Covenant” is to put it mildly. This will destroy everything. Again. Goddamn.

As Mr. Sandström is now in full FTW mode, the plans are to have Ms. Asp complete her magic during the summer as well as having Mr. Verbeuren lay down his second-to-none drums starting in August-ish. I’m also waiting for Mr. Lars Johansson to come to The Dungeon and do his solos during the summer months. I’m sure a few invited guests will hand over their stuff as well as we go along… I always planned to spend at least the whole of 2019 with this beast, so…

That’s where we are at!

In the meantime I am working my ass off doing the insane amount of orchestrations and electronic stuff as well as working guitar and bass details each and every day to make sure this album exceeds everything I thought was possible. And by the sound of it, we’re doing just that.

But as said, we can’t finish this recording until the monetary target is completely met. So basically, I’ll use the money that comes in to make sure people get paid and can do their stuff little by little. Sure, this is taking a chance, but hey…. Our 13th album will be finalized when the target is reached. Simple as that. It is what it is. We’ll get there… eventually. It has to.

This obviously means that I truly need your help once again with spreading the word about the 5th TPH DONATION EXPERIMENT.

And this is the link you need for all necessary information.

So… let’s wrap this up for now, shall we?

Thanx to all of you who have helped us come almost halfway to the $10000 goal in a couple of months. It’s humbling that you give a fuck and it drives me forward each and every day to create something spectacular once again.

Last off, the anniversary shirts are coming. The last few tweaks of the design are being taken care of as we speak and I can’t wait to share this limited edition print with you guys.

There we go! Wall of text done.

You guys and gals take good care now and we’ll talk again as soon as I have something of value to report, ok?


// Lord K Philipson, June 17th, 2019 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »



Update: If you wanna see if and what levels we reach monetary wise you should keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages at all times.

Yeah, you saw the picture and for a second there you thought it was an obituary, now didn’t you?

2019, Haters… TPH has been around for 20 goddamn years! We obviously started “for real” in 1999 even though the only TPH demo ever made was recorded in November 1998, but TPH as a concept started in 1999 and during these 20 years we have released 12 albums of the best music ever to hit humanity in its nutsack.

Goddamn that feels fucken good and I’m so proud of this.

I brought this beast to life when I was 26 years old. Basically a toddler when you think about it. I had this idea of creating something that didn’t really exist, with the means I had at hand at the time (which weren’t many). A guitar, a drum machine, a sequencer and a keyboard. Old school as fuuuuuck! On top of that I had an urge within me so strong it could move mountains (actually, that shit is impossible but you get the point), an urge to create something absolutely spectacular and unique.

That urge is now known as The Project Hate MCMXCIX.

A lot of things have changed since then but that urge never once started to fade, not even in the slightest. If anything, it has only grown more intense inside me with each and every album over the years. This is what I am in music form. It’s something I have to do and something I feel destined to do. It’s my calling.

As if you didn’t know that by now.

To be honest, TPH is a message obviously not heard by many… but it is appreciated to an amazing extent by those who have embraced it, it seems. Or else it wouldn’t be here after 20 years considering how it’s being conceived today as I decided to walk away from the record label industry some 8 years ago and started to do this all by myself. Either way, thanx to Massacre Records, Threeman Recordings, StormVox and Season Of Mist for releasing some of our previous albums many moons ago. Sure, you all failed in getting TPH the recognition it deserves, but I guess you somewhat tried… so thanx!

And you know what? TPH couldn’t have been done this way over the years without all the fantastic people that I have been working with for 2 decades and counting; everyone who’s played a part in getting us to this point in one way or the other:

Mia Ståhl – vocals (1999-2002), Jo Enckell – vocals (2002-2010), Ruby Roque – vocals (2010-2013), Petter S. Freed– guitar (2002-2008), Anders Bertilsson – guitar (2009–2011), Michael Håkansson – bass (2005-2010), Daniel Moilanen – drums (2006-2007), Thomas Ohlsson – drums (2009-2010) and Tobben Gustafsson – drums (2010-2013).

Not to forget the billion of guests who have participated on the recordings… I truly can never thank you enough either, but I raise my glass to ya! All of you have helped me in reaching 2 decades of TPH music. Be proud of yourselves, coz you should be. It’s not a birth right to be a part of something truly unique, but you will always be just that. Keep that in mind.

Not to forget, for the last 8 years it definitely wouldn’t have been possible to do TPH without the monetary support from you Haters when it comes to The TPH Donation Experiments, the very foundation that has funded the recordings of the finest albums in our “career”. I can never thank you guys enough, but thank you so fucken much!

And as far as myself being able to upgrade the home studio equipment, buy better software etc and by that be able to push myself further and further playing- and composing wise… It’s becoz of you people who buy limited edition merchandise; be it shirts, beanies or digipaks. It would have been absolutely impossible as well if it weren’t for you heroes. Well, that and the fact I do fucken work a regular day job. Either way, I wouldn’t be where I am today musically if you fucken bastards wouldn’t have joined in for this ride of devilry at some point in time, that’s for fucken sure.

It is humbling. Then again, I’m an extremely humble guy, you know. Even though I am King of all kinds of shit.

Anyways… to be able to realize my musical insanity with the people I do it with today; Jörgen Sandström (since day one!), Ellinor Asp, Lasse Johansson, Dirk Verbeuren and mixtering guru Dan Swanö (also since day one in some shape, way or form) is downright unfathomable to me. I truly feel (un)blessed. You people are absolutely amazing. It takes one to know one, you know. You have my deepest respect and gratitude.

So as far as obituaries go… well, fuck that noise! There’s plenty of things to reveal at this very special point in time, so continue to bare with me for a while here…

You ready?

To celebrate this 20 year anniversary of TPH there will be some new limited edition merchandise coming soon, created by the masterful Seiya Ogino of And as always I will do pre-orders coz that’s how I have to run this small entity known as TPH. Keep an eye on this page for the announcement when this stuff will be available, ok?

So… with all that praise, modesty and shit out of the way I can also announce that our latest masterpiece, “Death Ritual Covenant”, is now (or very soon) available at all streaming platforms thanx to CD Baby. Go find it! You can also buy “Death Ritual Covenant” (and a few other albums of ours) over at CD Baby if you feel like it.

But if you wanna support my work directly with no middle hands, and get instrumental versions and whatnot in the process by doing so, you can purchase the digital downloads of “Death Ritual Covenant” right here:

And you know what? I never thought we’d see a digipak version of said recording, but you guys made it possible and the 300 printed copies are now sold out (or very close to be) so you need not ask about it. You should have bought it when you had the chance, goddamnit! Cheers to all of you awesome people who made this happen, it truly means a lot to me.

Last off I have to say that I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 2 decades of Hate than to spend 2019 (at least, it all comes down to the other people’s schedules and when I can pay them of course) recording the 13th album in our discography, what do you think?

When I said I’m pretty much getting the fuck off Facebook and Instagram to rather invest all of my time into creating music… it’s exactly what I meant. And that’s why there is already a 13th album’s worth of material being worked on daily, eagerly anticipating its eventual birth later on just some 6 months after our latest beast “Death Ritual Covenant” was released.

By now you all know what this means…

The 5th TPH Donation Experiment is here, just waiting to be a success so this 13th album can happen. You think you will make it work a 5th time? Judging from past experiments I’m hopeful, but I surely don’t take anything for granted. Ever. If it should fail, all the money donated will go straight into my local cat shelter in Örebro, Sweden, as always. So either way, it’s well invested money.

Wanna help me in making our 13th album?

A donation of 150 SEK to through PayPal will get you the following shit when/if the the 5th TPH Experiment is a success and the album is a reality:

2. CD MIX (MP3)

Knowing that these experiments usually takes some 4-6 months to make a success, it feels like a smart move to fire it up right now so I can pay everyone involved to do their magic on the material as soon as they have the time to do so. But keep in mind that I plan to spend at least the remainder of 2019 with this album, meaning it will see the light of day in 2020. I’ll keep you informed on the process as always, and I’ll also make sure you’re informed when we reach every $1000 level on our way towards the goal of $10000 needed to make this coming album a real thing.

Do I need to mention that the 6 songs I have written for our 13th album is fucken spectacular? Nah, I didn’t think so. But to make sure you know what’s up; the material is fucken spectacular!

Thanx for the amazing support, people. You are all TPH.

So, shall we make this happen?

Spread the word!

// Lord K Philipson, April 6th, 2019 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Remaining digipaks and some news…

Update: All digipaks are sold out! Now back to the original post.

Very few digipaks for “Death Ritual Covenant” left now! Yep, when these are sold out, this limited edition that you guys made possible is fucken gone. Our Facebook page has the exact amount of copies left so go there if you have a thing for stuff like that. Either way, click this link if you wanna get a copy.

You wanna order this new one and our 2017 album “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures” as a package deal? PayPal 300 SEK to and say “package deal” on the receipt.

Or fuck all that noise and move over to the following rant:

As you know by now, I have pretty much zero interest in basic social media interactions (use if you have any questions about TPH) and will obviously just continue to use it for necessary information that I believe some of you might find interesting. Like things I have told you before that might need repeating:

I am creating the Devil‘s music each and every goddamn day. I am challenging myself to the maximum of my playing capabilities. I want to go further. I want everything to be more vicious. Darker. I want everything to be more beautiful. Lighter. I want absolute devilry. I want absolute divinity. I want perfection. Again. And again. And again.

And that’s what I am working for. All. The. Time.

Hopefully you will all get to hear it one of these days. Coz ultimately, it is all in your hands. As you also know; you people make TPH happen now after I decided to give fuck-all about the record label industry a bunch of years ago. I am forever grateful for the insane support you guys show me with the TPH Donation Experiments being successful time and time again.

A potential THIRTEENTH album… who would love to see that muthafucken beast come down and destroy the universe?

I certainly would, but I guess we’ll see when/if the time comes, huh?

Be well, Haters. We’ll talk eventually.

// Lord K Philipson, March 18th, 2019 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »



There we go! You see those paper bags in the background? It took some goddamn 4 hours to pack everything but now it’s done; the “Death Ritual Covenant” digipaks have been shipped (that happened Thursday, January 31st) to all of you who bought one.

With blood, sweat and tears (and huge assistance from my wife) these beauties will now inherit the apartments and houses of Haters from all over the goddamn world. As you know, I can never thank you people enough for supporting my work by purchasing this limited edition (300 made) gem.

On a side note; I truly hope I managed to sign the digipaks that quite a few of you asked for, but if I fucked that up for some of you; sorry! I think I nailed it though, but I wouldn’t bet my car on it. Anyways, as you also can see in the picture there are digipaks left. Quite a bunch even. If you wanna help me get rid of the remaining 50-60 copies you can do so by throwing 210 SEK over PayPal to That includes postage and everything to any place in the world. Oh, guys and girls; please let me know when your package arrives so I know everything is ok. Just shoot me a mail at to do so.

Also, I raise my glass to the amazing people at Brotherson Media for the always impressive work with manufacturing these digipaks and for their insane professionalism. Can’t recommend these guys enough. Thank you, Andreas and staff! And while we’re at the subject of thanking people; here’s a huge “You da man!” to Mr. Seiya Ogino of Ogino Design for the new look of the very site you’re at right now. Without as much as a word about it it was just updated to my absolute delight. Cheers, buddy!

Last off, I’m definitely not going to be active on any social media platforms as explained in an earlier post a few months ago. I’ll just use it for important updates when needed coz I rather spend my time on creating music and enjoying everyday life in the real world.

Again, thank you all for the support and we’ll talk again eventually.

// Lord K Philipson, February 2nd, 2019 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »