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They have come alive!

The digipaks are here and they both look and sound fucken amazing. Now this weekend will be busy with packing everything to all of you who have pre-ordered this physical disc and then they’ll be on their way to you by next week. I will let you know when they have been posted, of course.

There are still copies available, so if you wanna be the proud owner of this fantastic album, PayPal 200 SEK (postage and packing included to anywhere in the world) to

If you don’t order it now I don’t wanna hear bitching and moaning in a few years that you missed out on this gem, haha… Pick it up while they’re in stock, goddamnit!

Huge fucken thanx to everyone who supported this album in one way or the other.

You are phenomenal.

// Lord K Philipson, March 10th, 2017 | Filed in News | Comment now »



I just got an urgent phone call from the gentlemen who’s responsible for bringing “OCACP” to life in digipak form… Due to circumstances completely out of my and their hands there is a delay for approximately 2 weeks when it comes to the delivery of the albums to me.
This fucken blows on all accounts but there’s absolutely nothing that either of us could foresee nor prevent. They extend their apologies to both you and me and I am all fine with that, of course.
I personally apologize to you for the delay as well. I’ll keep you informed about everything as soon as I have something to share, you know this.
Hope you guys can survive this wait for a tad bit longer. If not, just email me and I’ll return your money. Click this link for more updates as we have them.

// Lord K Philipson, March 2nd, 2017 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


News about the digipaks!

Just got the material to proof from the manufacturing company and everything is now set to go, which means production will start tomorrow and that means I should have everything in my possession in some 2 weeks. So, I’m looking at the beginning of March, 2017, for when it’s time to pack and ship your ordered copy/copies. A little faster than initially expected actually, so that’s nice.

There are still enough copies available so if you wanna order one – feel free to do so. I have actually added some extra this time around becoz I have been informed some people are asking something like 200 Euros (WTF?) for a copy of “There Is No Earth I Will Leave Unscorched”. I don’t like that so I want everyone (or at least a few hundred of the world’s population) to be able to get a digipak without being charged a really ridiculous price for it.

200 fucken Euros?! Seriously… GTFO.

So, anyways… Here’s the information again if you wanna order a piece of TPH history (pretty much taken from the post below this one becoz I’m cool like that), and stay tuned for more updates when there’s something of significance to report. Here’s how to order:

Quite a few of you Haters have been emailing me about the digipaks as of late, letting me know that you want a copy of this gem in digipak form. I can never thank you enough for this, just like I can’t thank you enough for making this latest album a reality. I have told you this so many times over the course of recording this album and I will continue to do so for one simple reason – it’s your fucken doing, seriously. This material could have stayed intact in my home studio, but you decided differently.

I salute you all so much for that.

So, this is like the final thing happening with “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”, putting it on CD for you guys who want it in physical shape. Here we go then: if you want a physical digipak version of “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”, order it as follows:

PayPal: 200 SEK (postage and packaging included to anywhere in this world) to If you wanna pay in some other way – contact me thru the same email address and we’ll work it out, ok?

Please make sure your address is included with the order. A lot of you guys usually forget about this and it makes it kinda hard for me to know where to send it.

Also, I ALWAYS confirm your order. If I haven’t done so in 24 hours – something is wrong. Email me again if so, ok?

That’s all! Help me get rid of these copies and I raise my glass in your honor for giving a shit in the first place.

If you want the digital versions, look to the right on this very site for the info you need.

Also, our Facebook page is the place to keep an eye on for minor updates about everything TPH.

Cheers, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, February 17th, 2017 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Pre-order the limited edition of digipaks for “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”!


Quite a few of you Haters have been emailing me about the digipaks as of late, letting me know that you want a copy of this gem in digipak form. I can never thank you enough for this, just like I can’t thank you enough for making this latest album a reality. I have told you this so many times over the course of recording this album and I will continue to do so for one simple reason – it’s your fucken doing, seriously. This material could have stayed intact in my home studio, but you decided differently.

I salute you all so much for that.

So, this is like the final thing happening with “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”, putting it on CD for you guys who want it in physical shape. Yep, this is a limited edition thing, so first come = first served. I will tell you when I am running out of copies, dontcha worry about that. Worry about order it in time, haha…

I will have these digipaks in my possession come early/mid-March, 2017, and I will keep you updated on everything important in the meantime when it comes to this process, as always, so you know what’s up.

Here we go then: if you want a physical digipak version of  “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”, order it as follows:

PayPal: 200 SEK (postage and packaging included to anywhere in this world) to If you wanna pay in some other way – contact me thru the same email address and we’ll work it out, ok?

Please make sure your address is included with the order.

Also, I ALWAYS confirm your order. If I haven’t done so in 24 hours – something is wrong. Email me again if so, ok?

That’s all! Help me get rid of these copies and I raise my glass in your honor for giving a shit in the first place.


// Lord K Philipson, February 10th, 2017 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


“Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures” sees the light of day, January 4th, 2017.

Click the picture for a better view of it. And then you click it again to enhance it.

Oh, and order the goddamn album! Information as for how to do so is found to the right.

// Lord K Philipson, January 4th, 2017 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »