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Spewing links into the eyes of deities!

You can buy and/or listen to “Spewing Venom into the Eyes of Deities” over at these locations;

Directly from me by clicking here! This will give you the following formats: CD MIX MP3, CD MIX FLAC, FULL DYNAMIC MIX FLAC, FULL DYNAMIC MIX INSTRUMENTAL and DIGITAL BOOKLET/ARTWORK.

All for a measly 150 SEK through PayPal to the This is obviously the best way to support my shit. No middle hands.

Or you can get it on Bandcamp! That was a link. Click it. 80 SEK will give you WAV versions of the songs and that’s that.

You fancy Spotify, huh? “Spewing” is now available there (as well as on a myriad of other streaming services) so here’s the link to make it easy for ya, you cheap bastard.

Oh, YouTube? Sure, I got your sorry ass covered.

If you feel like buying the actual physical digipak, there are a handful of copies left. Just go here for ordering information.

If you only have one single click left in your life, use it to start this gem:

You’re welcome.

// Lord K Philipson, October 3rd, 2022 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, Music, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Streaming venom into the eyes of deities!

Spotify and bla bla bla...

If you for some amazing reason want one of the few physical digipaks that are left of this absolute masterpiece, all you need to do is click this link and follow the instructions.

Later, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, September 29th, 2022 | Filed in Artwork, Music, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »



There you go! If you for some unfathomable reason have waited for the opportunity to buy our 14th album over at Bandcamp instead of getting the complete package with instrumentals and whatnot from our official site… well, now you can do so by clicking this link!

If you feel like buying “Spewing” and all the additional versions from me directly, use this.

Either way, huge thanx to all of you who have supported this magnificent release for almost a year now (it was released on November 5th, 2021). It absolutely warmths my heart more than you’ll ever know, and it also drives me further down the abyss of creating even more blasphemous and beautiful audio bliss.

You guys are fucken phenoms!

Also, this album will be on Spotify and most other (ir)relevant streaming services shortly. I’ll let you know when that happens, of course.

Have a great weekend, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, September 23rd, 2022 | Filed in Artwork, Music, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


All “Spewing” shirts have been sent out!

Thanx to Helloil for the magnificent looking merch once again! They sure came out spectacular and Ogino Design’s artwork is still as stunning as when it first was revealed. Huge thanx to all of you who bought this piece of clothing as well, of course. You are not that many but you sure are devoted, which makes it all worthwhile.

If you didn’t pre-order this one, you’re fucked. There are no more shirts available.

Now I go back inside The Dungeon to work on our planned 15th album. If you wanna follow the process of that, stay glued to the same just mentioned social media platforms even though updates will be far and between. You’ll get important information when I deem it necessary. Just know that there’s an insane amount of work being done behind the scenes.

Be well, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, September 9th, 2022 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


And… shirt orders are stopped!


Huge thanx to everyone who ordered this limited edition shirt! Orders are hereby stopped and the design will now be shipped to the printing company so these get made within a couple of weeks or so. I will keep you updated on the process, as always.

Stay safe, everyone!

// Lord K Philipson, August 18th, 2022 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »