
Archive for the 'The Project Hate' Category

The Hate Beanies Winter Collection Has Arrived!

The Hate Beanies have arrived and they both look and feel fucken amazing! Seldom has a white beanie looked so fantastic on a human being as in this picture. The other beanie versions look just as awesome, so you know.

Once again huge thanx to Helloil for printing them and another as huge a thanx to Ogino Design for designing them. And last off I raise my glass to you who asked for beanies and also bought one or all them.

Packing everything will go down during the weekend and shipping them goes down Monday, Nov 30th if nothing fucks up. I’ll let you know when they have been delivered to the post office.

Have a great weekend!

// Lord K Philipson, November 26th, 2020 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Hate beanie frenzy!

For the millions and millions of Haters around the world, here’s the limited edition winter collection of the brand new Hate beanie that you asked for! Now you can finally be a part of the Serpent Ritual Alliance and look cooler than all your friends. Not a shabby deal, huh?

First off I wanna thank Seiya at Ogino Design for the fantastic design. You nailed it once again, my man!

This is how this will go down; I will take pre-orders for a week and a half, ending midnight Friday the 13th (of course) of November.

So if you want one of these, put in your order right away. As you know by now, I can’t really print a huge bunch to have them collecting dust in my closet, so by pre-ordering you will make it possible for me to print the amount needed (with just a few extra for safety measures) and prevent personal bankruptcy in the process.

On November 13th I will put in the order to the printing firm and after that it should take something like 2 weeks until I can ship your beloved beanie to y’all. And yes, you’ll be updated about everything as we go along. As always.

Also, you have fucken 4 different beanies to choose from! How about that?! I suggest you buy one of each just to be safe. Or, at least get one of them. Any one will do.

The brand is Trendeagle and the model is called “Puder”. It’s approximately 27 cm’s long (which means “oversized”) and it’s made of  92% cotton and 8% spandex.


210 SEK through PayPal to

That includes PayPal’s ridiculous fee as well as packing and shipping to anywhere  in the world. If you’re living in some shady country where the postal service is not to be trusted – PAY FOR REGISTERED MAIL! Contact me for details if you wanna do that.





Your order should look something like this:


King Philipson, Kings Road 666, 666 Kings County, Kingland

As you know, I ALWAYS confirm your order as soon as I see it. If you haven’t heard from me in 24 hours, please contact me so we can see what’s fucked up along the way, ok?

And keep in mind, thanx to Covid-19 there will most likely be delays in your shipment once I’ve posted everything. I can do jack-shit about that. Just stay calm, breathe and be cool, ok?

That’s all for now. Thanx for the support, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, November 3rd, 2020 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Boom! Done!

If you missed out on this digipak gem… well, your loss. The shit is finally sold out. Cheers to you Haters who supported this album’s existence in all kinds of ways; from donating to be able to record it to making digipaks a real thing thanx to you pre-ordering it!


// Lord K Philipson, October 12th, 2020 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


All digipaks sent out today!



All digipak orders have been sent out as of today, Friday the 18th of September! It only took 2 full evenings to write custom notes, put addresses on everything, insert cd’s into the parcels and get all of those goddamn stamps on said parcels. Holy shit this rockstar life is haaaaard, I tells ya.

So, as said; everything is sent out and hopefully the postal service will get your stuff to you in a safe manner. Keep in mind that due to the Covid-19 shit there might be minor or major delays in the deliveries, depending on where you live. Even though I am King I can do fuck-all about this. Please let me know at when your package arrive. And pleeeeease let me know if I somehow messed up your order. After all, believe it or not… I am actually human, damnit!

Thanx a hella lot to all of you who ordered a digipak. You people are so awesome.

Getting rid of the remaining discs of this limited edition is now a priority. There’s a bunch left unfortunately, so spread the word if you feel like it. Even though this link is about pre-ordering, just jump to the ordering details to claim one of the remaining copies and I’ll send it asap after getting your order. As long as I don’t say otherwise there are copies available. I’ll let you know when there’s less than 10 left. Again, thanx for the support. It is mindblowing.


// Lord K Philipson, September 18th, 2020 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »



If everyone who have claimed a copy or 2 actually go through with ordering it looks like I can eventually get rid of the 200 limited edition digipaks that are up for grabs now. It amazes me once again to see the kind of support you people show the work of TPH, and let it be known I appreciate it so much. Have in mind now, when these 200 are sold out there are no more copies available, and there won’t be a re-print. That’s what “limited edition” means, you know.

Due to the Covid-19 situation, make sure you check that your country can receive packages from Sweden. And also have in mind that it will most likely take longer than usual for your package to arrive considering the current situation. If you’re in a country that you know is shady with delivering your stuff, I recommend you pay extra for registered mail becoz I can take no responsibility if your ordered item disappears. Contact me at to know what it will cost you, coz it differs from country to country.

That’s all, let’s get to the ordering details, shall we?

Claim your copy/copies by doing the following:

– PayPal 210 SEK per copy to The price includes postage and packing to whatever country you’re in.



– Wait for my confirmation of your order so you know everything went through correctly. I ALWAYS confirm your order within 24 hours, so if you haven’t heard from me within that time frame; contact me immediately coz then something fucked up!

– If you are a fellow Swede and want to use Swish or bank transfer, contact me at and we’ll work out the details, ok?

Everything has been sent to the manufacturing company now so the process of getting the digipaks made can start in a few days. It will take a few weeks until I get them delivered to my house, and as soon as I do I will start packing everything and ship them out to you. You will naturally be updated on the process through our social media platforms. I will also let you know when/if I’m starting to run out of copies. Please feel free to share this post wherever you see fit to do so.

There we go, ladies and gentlemen of Hate! Place your orders and stay safe out there.

We’ll talk again as we go along. Thank you once again for your support. You’re the reason all of this can be done.

// Lord K Philipson, August 27th, 2020 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »