
Archive for the 'The Project Hate' Category

“Death Ritual Covenant” soon completed!

If you wanna be very up-to-date with the process of completing “Death Ritual Covenant” and everything else that happens in the Hate Camp, then I suggest you keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages at all times. Those are the platforms used to share quick news while this official page is more for “huge” updates. So, if you haven’t kept up with our activities as of late, there’s a ton of stuff for ya to read over at those places. Go there. Now.

Also, you see the quote up there in the picture? If that doesn’t make you wanna fucken pre-order this masterpiece… well… then you’re delusional. We can’t have that, now can we?

So, order the digital versions of this coming beast for a mere 150 SEK, will ya? Simply PayPal that sum to and you’ll get the following 4 (yes, FOUR!) versions of this masterpiece when it’s completed:





The amazing mix is done by the legendary Dan Swanö of Unisound AB and myself.

Until next time!

// Lord K Philipson, August 1st, 2018 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Embrace the pending apocalypse!

Since it’s been a week, here’s a quick update on what’s up in the Hate Camp in case you’re wondering. Not any drastic news compared to last time but further progress has been achieved in the ongoing mixing process of “Death Ritual Covenant”.

We are very much nearing completion now which feels fantastic!

Me and Mr. Swanö at Unisound AB are hard at work on pretty much a daily basis in the quest of wrapping this recording up, and as mentioned; we’re soon there. If it continues like this you’ll finally get to experience “DRC” sometime in (late) August. I can’t fucken wait to let you guys hear it…

We have definitely created something spectacular here. “DRC” is very dark with a few glimpses of light. And more darkness on top of that. The stuff that myself, Jörgen, Ellinor, Dirk, Lasse and the guests have provided is absolutely mindblowing. I couldn’t be any happier, really. And the production from Swanö absolutely slays! As mentioned a million times before, to work with these people involved is a fucken gift. I salute all of you for making my musical vision complete, as well as raising my glass to you heroes who made this recording possible. Can’t stress that enough. “DRC” wouldn’t be a real thing without you, bastards.

So, on behalf of one of my Ibanez Xiphoses and myself; thanx a fucken bunch for supporting TPH after almost 2 decades. Now I go back to giving my full attention to “Death Ritual Covenant” and we’ll talk soon again when we’re even closer to the finish line!

Oh, if you wanna pre-order the digital versions of this coming beast for a mere 150 SEK, you can simply PayPal that sum to and you’ll be on the list for absolute destruction when the time comes.

Be well, Haters.

// Lord K Philipson, July 17th, 2018 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Working our asses off!

Obviously, this is the look of focus and endless determination. Sitting inside The Dungeon with headphones on, paying attention to every little detail within the music.

There might be a bit of insanity involved as well, I guess.

I can’t even begin to fathom how many hours/days/weeks/months I have spent over the last year looking exactly like this on the journey of creating and completing “Death Ritual Covenant”. And to be able to do this thanx to you guys who made the 4th TPH Donation Experiment a success is invaluable to me. I raise my glass in your honor.

With that out of the way, I just wanna let you Haters know that we are moving forward big time now with this last stretch of finalizing this album. If nothing fucks up I’m positive we will be done with “DRC” by the end of July! This means you’ll get to hear what we have accomplished sometime in (probably late) August since there’s quite a few things to arrange apart from just getting the album ready. You know; proofreading the lyrics in the booklet and accompanying layout texts a couple of hundred times (and still most likely miss out on some typo that we’ll discover a year later, goddamnit!). Minor things like that.

So, keep your fingers crossed things will continue to go as smooth as it has up to this point, ok?

Once again I wanna thank Dan Swanö of Unisound AB for the incredible work he’s done so far. This production easily ranks up among the best we’ve ever had. I truly love working with Dan. The way he approaches the material and enhances it is just second-to-none. Thanx, D! You’re a hero in the flesh.

If you wanna pre-order the digital versions (yes, versions) for a mere 150 SEK, you can simply PayPal that sum to and you’ll be on the list for absolute destruction when the time comes.

Now you know where we’re at. We’ll talk soon again.

// Lord K Philipson, July 10th, 2018 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Getting closer to completion…

So, Haters!

This is where we are at. If all goes well, and as it looks right now, “Death Ritual Covenant” will be completed during July, 2018. With all the small additional things that comes with the album’s release, my hopes are for it to be presented to you sometime in August then. It might be later, or it might go according to plan; we’ll simply have to wait and see how everything pans out. Have in mind it’s vacation times and whatnot right now, so…

I am incredibly satisfied with what we are creating and if you ever dug us before, well, you’ll definitely dig this beast.

While we continue to work on completing “DRC”, you guys stay tuned for more news as I have them.

Be well, and huge thanx for the support!

// Lord K Philipson, June 29th, 2018 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Relaxed and focused.


As always, just becoz you haven’t heard from Hate HQ in a week or so doesn’t mean we’re not working our asses off with the completion of “Death Ritual Covenant”. Certainly not!

As you can see, we’re drinking stuff that makes us relax and focus to make sure what we’re serving up with this coming piece of TPH history surpasses all of our expectations. And safe to say, we’re getting there. Bit by bit, day by day.

Due to busy schedules, injuries, life and whatnot; this mixing process is taking the time it needs to be completed. As mentioned thousands of times – it’s not like I am going to rush this last part of finalizing everything. The plan is still to have it out this summer.

I am currently working with Mr. Swanö of Unisound AB​ fame on a daily basis, but it’ll take yet a little while before you can hear what we have in store. There are so many aspects on this piece that needs surgical precision attention from us to really shine through, more so than ever, and it takes its sweet time to perfect that stuff. Just hang in there. You know it will be worth the wait.

If you feel like pre-ordering “Death Ritual Covenant”, this very site has all the info as for how to do so. Just look for it.

Important question: are you guys possibly interested in digipaks for “Death Ritual Covenant” when the time eventually comes for that? You can use our Facebook page to chip in on this matter.

I feel like checking coz I still got a bunch of digipaks lying around for our last album, “Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures”, so I’m not sure how big the interest in those things is anymore. Ordering info for one of those is also available at our official site if you haven’t got one in your possession already.

If you’re eager for some new music courtesy of myself and TPH vocalist Jörgen Sandström that is not actually TPH, don’t forget to check out the stuff we are releasing right now with our new band Domedagen. You can find the tunes over at our official Facebook page; Domedagen. That should keep you occupied for a bit. Feel free to spread the word.

Anyways, back to work on “DRC”. We’ll talk more when there’s something to say.

Be well, Haters!

// Lord K Philipson, June 20th, 2018 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »