Archive for the 'The Project Hate' Category
Quick Hate Update!
It’s been a few weeks since last time, Haters, so an update is in order.
We will not start mixing “Death Ritual Covenant” just yet. I have to spend some more time with this before I can deliver it to Mr. Swanö for the gigantic process of wrapping everything up. The work put into this album is seriously insane, and it shows. I simply can’t let it out of my hands until I feel it’s absolutely fucken perfect, and we’re getting closer and closer to that.
But this time I’ll leave you with a short clip from The Dungeon from one of the songs on the album. Becoz you greatly deserve it; you who made the 4th TPH Donation Experiment a success. Enjoy while it lasts!
We’ll talk again as soon as there are some more news to share. Your wait and support will be rewarded.
Entering the final phase for “Death Ritual Covenant”.
First off, thank you guys for buying the few spare shirts that I listed on our Facebook page a few days ago. Much appreciated and they have now all been sent out.
And now to the actual album news; shortly I am expecting the final stuff from Ms. Asp and Mr. Verbeuren, which means I will now take some time to go thru everything for the album over the coming weeks until it’s time to start mixing “Death Ritual Covenant” with Mr. Swanö at Unisound AB. What I wanna say with that is; don’t expect many/any updates here or at Facebook until the mixing process begins since I won’t have much to report. Smaller TPH related shit will be posted at our Instagram account (@tph666) though, so keep an eye on that page if you’re interested, ok?
Third, once again I wanna extend my deepest gratitude to you people who made the 4th TPH Donation Experiment a success so “DRC” is actually becoming a reality. It truly means the world to me and the album is shaping up to be absolutely fantastic, as planned. Cheers to everyone involved with creating this beast. I am honored.
So, until next time; take good care and thanx for supporting The Hate. Now I will perfect “Death Ritual Covenant” to the maximum of my abilities.
It shall be done.
“Death Ritual Covenant” recording update!
You who follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram already know about this, but here’s where we are at recording wise:
- Mr. Sandström has nailed all of his vocal work.
- Ms. Asp is currently putting her magic into the third tune (out of 6),
- Mr. Johansson has fired up some incredible guitar leads for all the songs.
- Mr. Verbeuren is currently recording his drums and is well under way with that.
And me, I am working on everything else for this album on a more or less daily basis to make sure it comes out spectacular when it’s time for it to be unleashed upon the world. Mr. Swanö is waiting in the wings to be able to sink his teeth into this beast and give it a killer production. There’s some ways to go before that happens though. The plan has always been to have “DRC” out in the first half of 2018, and so far that plan seems to hold up.
Also, huge thanx to all of you, Haters, who pre-ordered the new shirt and made it our best selling shirt ever. Very appreciated! No more pre-orders are being taken and these shirts should be sent out within the coming 3 weeks or so. Everything has been delivered to the printers at Hellloil already, so now all we do is wait for them to arrive so I can start packing them and ship them to you all.
Make sure to keep an eye on our social media channels so you don’t miss out on all the minor updates I am handing out there as far as the new album goes, ok?
Until next time!
Cover art for “Death Ritual Covenant” and new merch available for pre-ordering!
I know you have waited to see what will grace our 12th album art wise. The amazing Seiya Ogino of Ogino Design has fired up this incredible piece that you can see now. I can’t thank the guy enough for his insane professionalism and dedication towards the TPH vision. His creation perfectly displays everything I want said graphics wise with “DRC”. To put it mildly, if you’re in need of some help with websites, merchandise, album covers or whatnot – contact Seiya right away! Even though the cover is now designed by someone else than our longtime artist Marko Saarelainen, this doesn’t mean Marko’s not involved with this, not at all. Marko will take care of the rest of the packaging that comes with the album. It will be absolutely glorious, trust me on this.
And in celebration of revealing the cover, we also have shirts up for pre-ordering! This design is obviously a variation of the album cover and if I may say so – this is our best looking shirt yet! Once again Seiya’s done some killer work. Just check it out and then read on for all the pre-ordering information you might need.
The shirts then… there will be 4 different versions, as can be seen above (duh) and I’ll take pre-orders for these during the whole of February, meaning they will be printed and delivered during the first half of March if nothing fucks up in the process. I have told you this before, but the reason I do this pre-order thing is – I obviously don’t make much money off of TPH, which prevents me to print a huge batch of shirts in various sizes just to have them laying around unsold at the end of the day. By pre-ordering you make it possible for me to see how many shirts I can order from the manufacturing company without worrying about bankruptcy. Sure, this always makes for some delay in the deliveries between payment and actual shipping, but I simply can’t work it any other way. I’m sure you understand and are ok with this DIY crap I have to deal with. The downside of being a small-time band, I guess, haha…
“Death Ritual Covenant” is coming! TPH Donation Experiment IV is a success!
You fucken guys made it happen again!
It feels like I have said this a million times during these Experiments, but I can’t really thank you fucken guys enough. The last money came in overnight, with another lunatic donating 500 bucks alone, making us breach the last level. But no matter how much you have donated, it has all helped us to reach the $10000 target to make â€Death Ritual Covenant†come to life. And as said, you’ll never know the extent of my gratitude for it.
For me to to be able to do TPH still to this day, 19 years has passed since its inception, means the world to me. It is my goddamn calling. And to be able to do it like this, and be able to hire the most phenomenal people around with your monetary support to fulfill my very egoistical vision, is a diabolical blessing.
It’s not like I can live off TPH and the enormous sums of money that it brings in on a regular basis. I, like most others, work a fucken day job and spend all the time I can with creating music outside of that. Which makes it even more fascinating to me how fast â€Death Ritual Covenant†came together material wise.
After the release of â€Of Chaos And Carnal Pleasures†I didn’t expect â€Death Ritual Covenant†to write itself like it did. And how I am working with this absolute beast of an album. It’s quite insane, really. When I’m not working I’m up at 4 in the morning accompanied by my headphones and a cup of coffee, dissecting every little detail within the music until I feel it’s perfect. Step by step there’s less and less to do for me, and eventually I come to that special feeling when I know I’ve done everything I can with the music and it’s now out of my hands. My work is completed.
When it comes to â€Death Ritual Covenant†I am almost there now after thousands and thousands of hours.
Now it’s time for Jörgen Sandström​ and Ellinor Asp​ to bring in their fantastic vocals. It’s also time for Mr. Dirk Verbeuren​ to put down his drums. The fact that I can still have Dirk play on my music is mind boggling. He’s now playing with one of the biggest metal bands in the world, Megadeth​, but STILL he takes the time to do TPH. I didn’t think that would happen, to be honest, after he joined the mighty Megadeth. As said… mind boggling. Candlemass‘​ lead virtuoso Lasse Johansson is expected to enter The Dungeon in February to put down his incredible solos. This is something that is also extremely weird when it happens, having my childhood guitar hero in my home studio, playing on MY music. Sure, he’s done that a couple of times now, and I have had the honor of helping Candlemass out on bass for a bunch of gigs, but it’s still surreal to have that gentleman here putting down his stuff.
I can’t promise anything since I can’t control people’s schedules, but the plan is to have everything completed during February/March. Nothing will be rushed though, as always. â€Death Ritual Covenant†will be finished when it’s finished. I can’t have it any other way. After that it’s time for Mr. Swanö to put it all together in Unisound AB​ and give it the proper mix and mastering. I won’t guess a release date, but I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated during the whole process so you know where we’re at.
A few more other things before I let you go this time…
We are currently putting together the album cover for â€Death Ritual Covenant†and it should be completed real soon for your viewing pleasure. The shirts I have mentioned will also be up for pre-orders real soon (as you have guessed from the blurry pictures this shirt has something to do with the actual cover, which is why I haven’t revealed the design yet). I wanna send a huge THANK YOU to Seiya Ogino​ of Ogino Design​ and the always amazing Marko Saarelainen​ for their collaboration on all of this. You guys are beasts!
When we did the 3rd Experiment I believe 211 people brought us to the monetary goal. This time it took 191 of you muthafuckers over a span of 86 days to get there!
I salute you all!
Oh, if you’re one of the people who couldn’t contribute to the 4th Experiment for various reasons but still wanna have the album when it’s completed – you can of course PayPal 150 SEK to for the digital versions. That will be MY payment for the time invested in â€Death Ritual Covenantâ€, so it’s for a noble cause, no?
With all of this said, keep an eye open for the coming shirts and also make sure to check out our Instagram page where I do smaller updates every now and then on the album progress and other things. I tend to keep the larger updates, such as this one, for this website and Facebook, just so you know. Last off, here’s how the donation process went:
Now it’s time for me to inform the other people involved with â€Death Ritual Covenant†that everything can begin.
Again, thank you so fucken much, you heroes!