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In case someone missed out on this:
We are definitely getting closer to finalizing this masterpiece since J only got 2 more songs to do vocals for as he nailed the 5th one a few days ago. We hope he’ll be able to do one of them this coming week and the last one after we have played the House Of Metal festival with Torture Division which happens next weekend.
K has already started to make notes about all the corrections and small details that need fixing as soon as all the vocals are in place. Dan Swanö will love him for that, we’re sure, haha… But that’s the fun part, making everything come to life as we have envisioned it and with Dan’s magic it even exceeds our expectations.
So, now you know – we are getting nearer completion.
As we have mentioned there’s only 3 songs left to do vocals for for J… Now when we have the Torture Division gig at the Close Up Boat out of the way hopefully J can nail a tune or 2 before the gig at House Of Metal. Keep your fingers crossed coz there’s not too much work left to do you know… As said before as well; it’s really fucken cool to have Dan starting to mix this already and he’s just sitting about waiting for the remaining vocals before he can continue. In the meantime he’s doing some corrections that we hand over so we are actually working with what we got even though all the vocals aren’t completed yet, so it’s not like we are sitting on our asses doing nothing, just so you have that clear, haha…
You know you will be kept updated as we move along.
We have told you most of this over at our forums (we can’t stress it enough – you really should keep an eye on that place since we are there on a daily basis with updates) but here goes:
Mr. Swanö started to mix the album now but this doesn’t mean everything is completed just yet. J still got some 3 tunes to do vocals for before we can start seeing the full picture of this masterpiece and start to get into details that need being sorted eventually; like levels on different stuff and whatnot. But we are getting the sound for it now since Dan’s lined up some insanely nice mix to listen to, even if half of is still missing J’s vocals that is. J’s having some problems finding the time needed for doing the last three songs, some of it due to us in Torture Division having some gigs coming up, and he also plays some shows with Krux every now and then, but mostly it’s hard to squeeze in some vocal sessions with kids and everything taking up daily hours (that is why J actually does his stuff in the middle of the night haha). J will start finishing up his remaining vocals as soon as possible, just so you know. But we are getting there, people. Oh yes, we are getting there with completing the finest 60+ minute album we have ever done. It will be worth the wait, that’s a promise.
We have also recorded quite a lot of videos during the recording that we will try to find time to put together for some nice teasers when we can. Those fucken things also take time to complete so bare with us – the album is priority one for natural reasons.
Listening to what Dan has created soundwise is pure bliss considering we have been absorbing ok-sounding demos for so long… This is something else, that’s for sure. We know what we are creating and a good advice when you finally get to hear this bastard Son of Satan is: invest in a pair of expensive headphones coz there is so much stuff you will never notice otherwise… But more of that later on…
Last off: the title for the album’s been set for quite some time, but we will naturally not reveal it just yet, and recently we decided on all the song titles which feels great. It’s safe to say we are not straying away from our concept, just so you know…
Check this topic for all the information and a bunch of photos:
On another note, J is in the studio as we type this, doing his work for the album. Due to some goddamned flu and shit it’s been a little delayed but he’s getting his work done one tune at the time (like if there’s any other way to do shit, duh). We will post some videos and whatnot as we go along. Just watch us bitches.
Here’s a shot of Jo in action of some kind:

Things are progressing nicely in the Hate camp, to say the least. K finished up the bass a few days ago and it seems like everything is definitely in order with that one. Some additional guitars have been added as well by K, adding even more intensity to this masterpiece (yeah, that’s what it fucken is). The drums are all put down and checked and we have absolutely nothing to complain about with those either. Thomas has done a fucken excellent job, which you will hear. Ms. Jo will come to K’s flat tomorrow (Wednesday) and start preparing for her 4 days recording session with Robban at Rat Productions (the same guy we have used for her vocals over the last 2 albums). Jörgen, the almighty J, nailed a tune last week and then got himself blessed with a cold that has put him on hold for a few more days before he can enter the studio again and continue recording his monstrous growls. He’ll try his best to get some work done this week.
And in the wonderful time of computers we can all work simultaneously with this album which means that Dan Swanö‘s now got all the files from K and has started to work a little with the sound for the album, meaning working as much as possible with the drums, the guitars, keyboards, programmings and the bass since he can’t really sink his teeth into the vocals just yet, for reasons stated above, duh. The guest spots are starting to drop in as well and these guys deserve a fucken round of applause for what they are creating with us on this album, that’s for sure. No, we won’t reveal any names just yet but in time you will naturally know.
We can’t stress this enough and this is how we really feel about it (you know, this is what all artists say – but as we have mentioned when it comes to The Hate; we speak the truth – everyone else lie): this is shaping up to be a complete monster of insane proportions – just as we have said all the time while writing and recording this piece. As soon as we possibly can there will be some treats for you at this site and at our forums – so make sure to check in often.
During Jo’s recording sessions we will keep you updated over at the forums, so keep an eye on that as well in the meantime, ok? And last off, here’s a shot of K just after adding some additional guitars. Happy as an arsonist inside a church. And if you look closely you’ll even see something reminiscent of a song on the monitor.

You will soon experience the latest version of complete Hate and blasphemy. Be prepared…
Be very, very prepared…