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Yeah, some time ago I asked Guger, the guy responsible for this FANTASTIC design (as well as the last one and the recent ones for Torture Division), to come up with a new blasphemous theme for another TPH shirt. I believe he outdid himself with the artwork for this shirt. So I thought: Why the fuck wait to print these ones, let’s do it right away!
This is what it looks like:

Since I think that the last design was a little small in size I have talked to the printer to make sure they make the print as close in size to the picture below as possible. It might not be exactly as shown, but I really hope they understand what we are after. I will even try to get a test print before approving.
The brand of the shirt is Gildan, the best fucken shirt around and the one brand we have used for the Torture Division shirts as well, in case you own one of those. Nothing but superb quality. You know this already if you have ordered from us before.
I was thinking to print a bunch of shirts in advance, and pay for them myself but to be sure I won’t end up with some 30 shirts in sizes no one wants (and making myself bankrupt in the process) I have decided to take pre-orders for roughly a month.
So, let’s make this clear: I’ll take orders until JANUARY 2ND, 2009. You can choose any size you want from XS to XXXL. Girlies are also available. Everything for the same price.
Thanx to holidays and shit I don’t think the printer will be able to start doing everything until the start of January. This means the shirts should be at yer place around mid/late- January, 2009. I just want you to know this so you don’t think I’m trying to rip you off or anything since it’ll take a while before the shirt appears in your mailbox. I will keep you updated on everything in this topic.
The prices (including postage and packaging, shipped everywhere):
200 SEK
25 US dollars
20 Euros
And yes, you can order a hoodie too. It would look something like this:

The front will have the TPH logo on the left chest with the 6’s in it. Sizes from S to XXL. There will be no print on the arms.
The prices (including postage and packaging, shipped everywhere):
50 Euros
500 SEK
65 US Dollars
How to pay?
PayPal: The email address to use is theprojecthate (at)
And the old fashioned ways are still valid. So if Paypal ain’t your thing just make a transaction to The Project Hate’s account:
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken: 5690 0243 150
IBAN: SE4850000000056900243150
Or send the money thru snail mail:
Lord K Philipson
Höglundagatan 22
70368 Örebro
AND MOST IMPORTANT: When you have done one of those 3, e-mail me at theprojecthate (at) Include your address, size and quantity, and also how you paid. I just want to have this for my personal record to keep track on things. And last off:
Thanx for the support guys. And thanx so fucken much to Guger for creating this one (and all the other designs he’s done for us). You truly are one amazing individual, my friend..
It’s been a little silent here as of late (if you don’t count the activity at the forums, a place we always suggest you check out as we are there on a daily basis), but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on in the Hate Camp. We actually have shitloads of stuff in the making and now it’s about time we reveal most of it.
We have signed a new album deal, which feels really, really good. Vic Records from The Netherlands is a strong up’n’coming label that finally got their shit going. They have shown interest in TPH for quite some time and now when the label is rolling we gladly accepted their offer and decided to be a part of their roster. Head honcho Roel is an old acquaintance of K‘s which definitely played a huge part when it came down to signing to a label for the next album(s). We believe Vic Records has the tools to finally give TPH the marketing and promotion we deserve. It’s a great feeling to know how much Roel and his company burns for what we do musically, and also knowing that we are a priority for them feels fantastic. We definitely have a nice vibe for this collaboration and our first album for Vic Records is in the making as we announce this relationship of satanic proportions and unholy bodily fluids. Eh, we don’t even know what that means. Anyways, here are some plans for you, straight from the mouth of Hate.
Vocalist Jörgen Sandström will start doing his vocals in a few weeks or so and will work with them from time to time during the rest of the year and probably for a bit of 2009 depending on how much time he can get on his hands. Once he enters the studio he does his stuff faster than a blastbeat so just keep your fingers crossed he can wrap his vocal sessions up asap.
Drums will be done in Örebro, Sweden, January 2009. We are checking back and forth for a weekend that will suit us all and we are getting there. Just some final details to nail, but January is when the drums will be recorded and this will happen in, a studio owned by Saint Deamon, ex-Dionysus drummer Ronny Milianosonovabitch-something… We are definitely looking forward to record those toms with him.
Jonna‘s vocals will be done during 4 days in January, 2009 as well. Once again we will enter vocal coach Robban’s (whom we have worked with during the past 2 albums) studio and bring down the heavens and whatnot with some diabolical serenades courtesy of Ms. Jo. We are working on the final dates with this too, but January is determined.
Michael will put down his bass in his home studio whenever he’s got the time. And you all know Michael – there will be some insane bass work done.
This means that we should have everything completed to be delivered to Dan Swanö sometime in late January, early February if everything goes down as planned. We have lived with this material for quite some time now and we have made small adjustments to it all the time, to perfect it even more (perfect perfection, does that even work?). We can guarantee you one fantastic piece of blasphemy when Vic Records release this piece sometime in May/June (if all the schedules work out as planned now). It’s definitely the most brutal stuff we have ever written, and at the same time the most beautiful. We are so confident with these 7 tunes it’s not even sane. We can’t wait to get all of this out to you loyal Haters who always supported us. And to have Vic Records hand it out to you feels like a blessing at this stage as they can actually get the album out to stores with their distribution (something we are not exactly spoiled with).
We are also planning to shoot quite some videos during the rest of the recording (wonder where this will end up in the eventually? Hint hint), and we plan to be able to show you guys some of the process at some stage. And eventually we might hand you a little more than just small clips. You’ll see…
So, now you know what’s up. We are impatiently waiting to finalize this piece and bring it upon the world. Just to see the very same world perish in flames due to said album’s Domination.
And again, don’t forget the forums. Updates happen more often there than on this page.
Just stay tuned for some serious information shortly. We have been silent over here (but not at our forums, always check that out) for no good reason but there’s alot of stuff in the works and in a short bit you will be informed about everything.
Again we have been somewhat silent in here, so we’ll hand over a brief update right now then… After taking the summer off (or something like that) we are now starting to plan the recording of the next album a little more. Jo‘s hard at work on her lyrics and J has but a couple of tunes more to finish up before that chapter is completed.
We have had some label interest over the months but nothing is secured whatsoever just yet. Have in mind we still have our gorgeous promo packages to send out to labels to see if we, for once, can score a deal that won’t suck, haha…
As we have said before, the guest contributions for this coming bastard are starting to drop in and they are ever so impressive. Various guitarists, vocalists, jugglers will be present, doing what they are famous for (in case they are “famous”, and we believe some of them actually are). We wanna thank all the people who seem to take pride in doing something small with us on the coming piece – you guys really dominate. And while we are at it – we wanna thank the ones we have in mind for a guest part though we haven’t approached them yet. Thanx for saying “yes” to our request, whenever you get it, hoho…
Basically now, we are just waiting to see what eventual offers will drop in so we know what kind of budget we have to work with for album 6. It’s hard for us to start booking studios and whatnot until then. Drummer Mojjo is ready to put down his shit as soon as he gets a go. Michael is always ready with his bass. K and Anders are pretty much done with their shit already, you know, and J and Jo look forward to deliver some blasphemy again.
So what it’s all about now is just waiting for the appropriate time to arrive so we can really start to take this beautiful piece to the next phase.
Don’t forget the forums, people. That shit is updated way more often than this page. And if you’d spend some time there you’d also know that our beloved webmaster had recently some pretty fucken goodlooking TPH posters for sale too. Unfortunately they’re more or less sold out already. But let this be another reason why you should stick around at our forums on regular basis with the rest of the Haters.
We have been a little silent in here, for no good reason, so we thought it’s about time to tell you what’s up. All of you know that there’s been a fucken impossibility to find the latest album “In Hora Mortis Nostræ” if you are not ordering it directly from us, right? We knew that StormVox had very limited resources and all, but never did we expect this small an effort on their part to get it out. Not content with the situation we have now walked away from StormVox, on good terms. We might work with them somewhere down the road, we might not, that’s not important right now though. We will now start looking for a new label and we have the flashiest promo packages around just waiting to be sent out.
This interferes nothing with the new album (at least not right now) at the moment since we have had the plans for album 6 lined up for quite some time. We are still finishing up the lyrics for the remaining songs and Jo is hard at work with her stuff for the songs that are already completed lyricwise.
All the rhythm guitars are completed as of some weeks ago. We have also started to get some of the guest stuff completed and inserted into the songs and it fucken kills. There will be some prominent guest musicians (and some fantastically gifted ones you prolly never heard of) on this one, that’s for sure. There’s going to be quite a bunch of guests and friends chipping in to what will be the darkest and most ferocious album in our career. You know this is true too.
We are planning to have Mojjo put down the drums this fall, we need to chill out this summer, you know. But first we need to secure a record deal so we have a budget to work with. Jörgen will most likely record his vocals in Stockholm and we are definitely planning to record Jo’s with Robban, as we have done on the past 2 studio albums. But that’s not happening just yet, as mentioned.
Just hang in there, we will keep you informed about the label search and recording plans as we go along.
Just so you know, we have never sounded better than what we do now. In time you will experience it first hand.
Cheers, Haters.